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Eco-friendly, acoustic panels made of hemp husks

Out There | October 18, 2018 | By:

Russian design studio Aotta presents a new sound-absorbing and lightweight panel made of hemp husks. A completely organic material, the husks are routinely disposed of as useless waste. That means the material is a cheap resource.

Aotta’s hemp husk panels are a naturally porous membrane for absorbing sound reflections, and it can regulate the humidity and temperature in interiors, creating a comfortable and healthy space. The designers preserved the shape of the natural raw material, which creates a unique surface pattern with an unusual visual and tactile effect.

The composition of the binder also provides 100 percent biodegradability of the panels, but it is sufficiently stable for long-term use in interior settings. The panels are also non-flammable and have natural antifungal properties.

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