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Sympatex joins sustainable apparel coalition

EcoNote | May 15, 2015 | By:

German functional-fabric maker Sympatex Technologies has joined the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), and will use the group’s sustainability measurement tool—the Higg Index—to drive environmental responsibility across its supply chain.

The SAC hosts more than 150 global brands, retailers and manufacturers, as well as government, nonprofit environmental organizations and academic institutions, which are collectively committed to improving supply chain sustainability in the apparel and footwear industries. The group represents more than one-third of the global apparel and footwear industries and was formed by sustainability leaders and environmental and social organizations to address current social and environmental challenges.

Sympatex, based in Unterfoehring, Germany, will contribute both data and resources to support the Higg Index, an open-source, indicator-based tool that allows suppliers, manufacturers, brands and retailers to evaluate materials, products, facilities and processes based on environmental and product design choices.

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